python实现Merkle树验证 使用 Merkle树 对链是否合法进行验证
任何改变 Merkle 树任何部分的尝试都会导致链上某个地方的不一致
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 import hashlibdef build_tree (data ): tree = [] for d in data: tree.append(hashlib.sha256(d.encode()).hexdigest()) while len (tree) > 1 : parent_level = [] for i in range (0 , len (tree), 2 ): if i == len (tree) - 1 : parent_level.append(tree[i] + tree[i]) else : parent_level.append(tree[i] + tree[i+1 ]) tree = parent_level return tree[0 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 def validate (hash , data ): if len (hash ) == 64 : return hash == hashlib.sha256(data.encode()).hexdigest() left = hash [0 :64 ] right = hash [64 :] return validate(left, data) or validate(right, data)
对 create_blocks
函数进行补充:除了补充注释以外新增了 ret_hash
变量,用于填充 Merkle树 的列表
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 def create_blocks (block_chains,i ): print ("Input the transaction information for block {}:" .format (i)) input_sender = input ("Please input the sender:" ) input_receiver = input ("Please input the receiver:" ) input_amount = input ("Please input the amount:" ) transaction = {"sender" :input_sender,"receiver" :input_receiver,"amount" :input_amount} block_chains.append(Block(block_chains[i-1 ].hash , transaction , print ("Block {} is created, and the transaction is: {} transfer {} BTC to {}" .format (i,input_sender,input_amount,input_receiver)) print ("The hash of block {} is: {}" .format (i,block_chains[i].hash )) ret_hash = block_chains[i].get_hash() i += 1 return block_chains,i,ret_hash
同时对主函数进行扩充:补充了一些注释,同时在初始化中添加了 Merkel树 的初始数据
以及 根节点
。此外,添加了分支选项来进行操作选择,选择内容包括 创建新区块
和 检查区块链的有效性
如果是 创建新区块
,每次都要更新 Merkel树 的数据并且再次计算根节点,算出 root 以供验证
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 if __name__ == '__main__' : print ("Welcome" ) i = 1 block_chains = [Block.create_genesis_block()] merkel_data = [block_chains[0 ].hash ] root_hash = Merkel_Tree.build_tree(merkel_data) print ("Genesis Block is created.Hash is: " ,block_chains[0 ].hash ) while True : print ("Please choose the operation:" ) print ("1.Create a new block" ) print ("2.Check the validity of the chain" ) input_choice = input () if input_choice == "1" : block_chains,i,ret_hash = create_blocks(block_chains,i) merkel_data.append(ret_hash) root_hash = Merkel_Tree.build_tree(merkel_data) elif input_choice == "2" : if Merkel_Tree.validate(root_hash,merkel_data[-1 ]): print ("The chain is valid" ) else : print ("The chain is invalid" )